Video sull'introversione

Confessions of an Introvert

Susan Cain: The power of introverts

Extraversion and Introversion - Anne Ellis explains the common misconceptions around extraversion and introversion.

Extrovert vs Introvert, MBTI basics - Extraversion or Introversion The first pair of psychological preferences is Extraversion and Introversion. Where do you put your attention and get your energy? Do you like to spend time in the ...

Philosophy intro -  by Philosophydude (02 marzo 2007)

Personality, a Biological Basis - by Philosophydude (20 aprile 2007)

Famous introverts

Best Jobs for Introverts

Working with Introverts

The Introverted Leader: Building On Your Quiet Strength

Leave Me Alone... Sometimes (ProteanView)

I'm an introvert, can I become and extrovert?

Re: Intro/Extrovert - Preference, Tendency or Dictated Decision?

The introvert advantage